creator: supex (and alittle bit matix)
date 2-06-01
finally my masterwork has completed. the silver suptix amp is finised
after 5 hours work its done.. a pretty good skin i must say. i hope he gets in the winamp eyecandy
that would be really cool
this skin is made by a dutch boy
so enjoy.
things in this skin... just very cool... email me please.. it would be very cool..
please mail me.. ;-)
so i gotta go youll be hearing more from me.
holland rules and leinvee also.
greetings supex
much greetings to my younger brother matix
check out his bebivegeta amp
*programms used: skinner & adobe photo deluxe
TV TOTAL ver.1.0
It is finally so far. My first Skin is ready. It's about Germany's one of the most famous comic show: Tv Total.
I know some graphical bugs, but I hope these doesn't give any more in next versions.
Skin: Silver Ilves
Inspiration: ...
kohina 1.2 / 24-bit winamp 2.9 version / june 2003
by harri granholm / info-is@in-file - old school game & demo music radio
check out the site for xmms and 4-bit versions!
cheers to mayday for the idea and spanking me ;-) ...
this is my 10. skin in this year (2000)
this skin has very cool radioactive light cable.
All is made with MS Paint. i hope you like it.
Mail me : info-is@in-file
Best skins:
SEED 7 ...
Hello Everybody!
For the french version of this text, read the file lisezmoi.txt.
First, excuse me if there is some bad english sentences in this text (I'm from Switzerland, so my first Language is French)!
Thank you very much to use my skin, I h ...
Angel Sanctuary! Once again I succumb to the temptation of makig more
Angel Sanctuary skins! I can't help it, the artwork is so awesome!
info-is@in-file ...
>=>GSA Terminator 3 Rise Of the Machines Skin Kazakhstan
For:Winamp2 -2.9
GSA Graphics Team:
Designed by: Saken Joldasov
It's not just rise of the Machine ...
-=Transcendence V3.0A Created By Enygma=-
Do you want a Winamp skin made for your clan??
Contact for more info...
Read the INFO.TXT for more info on this skin
-=MSN/Mail : info-is@in-file=-
-=ICQ ...