Finished... For your enjoyment.. and I don't think I'm wrong.. If I ever had any doubt that my skin wasn't all that drop-dead-gorgious... Al my doubts would have been reduced to air.. I mean this skin took me a lot of time.. Think about transparency.. AND I DON'T MEAN BUTTONS WITH THE SAME BACKGROUND AS THE REST OF YOUR KIDDIE SKIN!.. I mean setting the regions for the skin.. to create round shapes.. Ah well just look.. You'll know which kind of transparency I mean.. Anyway.. THAT TOOK A LOT OF MY TIME!! ahwell.. If you want to see more skin by me.. Just ad me to your MSN list.. info-is@in-file and I'll send you a few.. But god.. It will be a long time before I release another skin.. next holiday maybe..
I don't know.. But I think that you will be pleased with this end result.. Long enough to wait for my next...
Ah This has gone on long enough.. I'll see yaz skinlovers... Ciao
Blue Steel skin for WINAMP 2.x
just unzip in your /winamp/skin directory then select Blue Steel in the window 'select skin'.
Thanks for using this skin. I hope you'll find it useful.
if you have any comments or sug ...
Yes this skin is rather simple in design ^^ Lately all my skins have been pretty cluttered, so I decided to clean things up a bit :)
Seishirou looks sooooo smooth here, ne? Yes, I DID blatantly swipe Ragabash's idea of coloring only the eyes! ...
COWBOY BEBOP winamp skin
skin by LuigiHann
Openning text found at
Art captured from DVD
Once upon a time, in New York City in 1941... at this club open to all comers to play, night after night, at a club name ...
_ _ _ Harry Potter Skin - - - Missing 1.0 _ _ _
= = = Skin for Winamp, created by myrrh = = =
Finished Date : 0211.30 18.50
This is another one of WinAmp Skin made during my 'Chamber of Secrets' mania. Featuring 'The Boy Who Lives', Harry Potter. ...
Leeloo Amp (1)
This Winamp skin was made by Vickie Mapes (info-is@in-file).
I'll be the first to admit that I'm not an artist. I have no
artistic skills or imagination other than that I like to play
around with colors and images. If you think my s ...