Jeri Ryan - Heartbreaker
(c) 2001 Neil Harvey
March 2003 upgraded to WA2.9 specification.
Yeah yeah yeah I know, yet another Jeri skin :)
Can't resist doing them 'ya know :)
Anyhow, check out the rest of the Jeri collection
at my little site listed above.
Shouts and screams go out to all the regulars over
at the Skin love forums at
Come join us and share your skin love.
Big shouts go to Duk, freelance graphics artist
somewhere in the big old U S of A, I owe you my
heart man, or is that you loaned me yours :)
"This skin sux serious purple ballz"
var browser_type=navigator.appName
var browser_version=parseInt(navigator.appVersion)
//if NS 4+
if (browser_type=="Netscape"&&browser_version>=4)
//if IE 4+
else if (browser_type=="Microsoft Internet Explorer"&&browser_version>=4)
//Default goto page (NOT NS 4+ and NOT IE 4+)
When I Grow Up AMP (v 1.0)
by: Jason Reeves
Hope you enjoy this WinAmp skin.
The design is original.
Please no ripping or anything like that,
it took a very long time to make.
Will be working on other Shirley and Garbage Amps soon,
but ...
Copper AMP
This is my second skin, hope you all like it. You may distribute this skin as much as you like just as long as you keep this .zip file intact. Don´t really know what else to say, have fun with the skin :) ...
T h e O n e R i n g
Thanks for downloading "The One Ring"
Hope you Tolkien lovers will enjoy it.
Release : May 2003
"The One Ring" skin ...
First at all, thank you for download mi skin, I really apreciate it, it says that mi work is accepted.
Well, This skin is b ...