Night Dash
"Car Dials/Buttons/Stereo by Night" Skin by EJ
Playlist Font:
Set as "Small Fonts", which looks rubbish above size 9.
Change font size to 9 in Options, Preferences, Playlist, Playlist Editor Appearance, Playlist Font Size.
[Also you can do this by selecting the playlist window, pressing 'Ctrl' & Numberpad '+' or '-']
You can also change to whatever font you want to use by dechecking "Use Skin or Language Pack Font"
Comments welcome
[You can email info-is@in-file with feedback or suggestions, or use winamp feedback]
Natural Born [ N B ] by Mike 2000
for winamp 2.5e
I have made this skin with Paint Shop Pro/Photoshop
Here is other skins I have done:
1 Mike Metal
2 Mike Amp
3 Brightmetal
4 Yamaha
5 Dark Flare
6 Complexion
You can download t ...
"Look-a-Lot-Alike-alated" ver 3.1
Dedicated (as is everything) to Raluca.
IMPORTANT NOTE: For best looks, deselect 'Use
bitmap font' in Preferences/Options/Display in
Winamp. And ...
George Harrison: the music will NEVER die!
Hi! I'm back with this skin to give a tribute
to George, who's my favourite guitarist at all!
Although some guitarist play better than him, his
style is fantastic an ...
"The Tony Hawk Amp"
fanart/skin, 06/2003
by e-blackadder (info-is@in-file or info-is@in-file)
The TH amp is dedicated to two guys. Firstly to my son, who is the biggest Tony Hawk ...
Ancolie9d, by ThP, juillet-août 2000
ThP = Thierry Pottier
Available in red (Ancolie9d-rouge), orange (Ancolie9d-orange) and blue (Ancolie9d-bleu)
Try it windowshade!!! ...
..: PROTOTYPE 1 :..
ver 1.0
Made by hEBBE 18 November 2000
It took about 6-7 hours to make this skin complete.
It´s made in a few simple programs.
Photoshop 5.5 + plug-ins & Paintshop Pro 5.5.. ...