Hot Wheels Amp!
Created and Designed by Mrs Bladez - 5/18/2001
Just a little something I made for my hubby. He's a boy at heart and these were one of his favorite things to collect and play with as a child. This skin was made entirely with PSP7 (ex ...
winamp classic skin by a112
finished 18.08.2004 23:52
Azumanga rules again and again!!! That's one
of reasons why I made this skin. Sakaki is
taken from Azumanga manga, so I didn't h ...
US RED ROAD by Icecrime
This is my first skin for Winamp. My favourite colour is the RED so I used it. The rest came from my imagination.
I have managed to skin even the AVS window and I am satisfied.
Nothing else to say.
Enjoy my skin.
info-is@in ...
=Panasonic 2006=
- Winamp Skin v2.0
- It Is Changed:
- Buttons Of Management,
- Is Added Inscription And Others....
- Skin designed by: Kolesnikov Alexey N.
- My Second Skin For Winamp
- E-mail: info-is@in-file
- İ 16.01.2006.
- :) ...
I've made a sleek and sexy Winamp skin. I really liked the simplicity of my original bearware skin but alas, it only scored 4 stars. I hope this fares better. Digitool is such a cool name =)
Best Wishes,
spacejazz [a.k.a kendal mcguire] ...