,MeatLove Edition Susanna ,ibid i ,imac os x purple theme ,Metallic PaintSpot ,Wolfpack Amp1 ,Final Fantasy VII VincentAmp ,DreadKnightsAmp ,ahmadaskin
Ali Larter
visit my website: Comkillserve
Ali Larter skin v2.9
v2.9 updated for winamp 2.9,
added video and media library windows.
This skin was made by Mr Tough Guy.
special thanx to Cyana for making template amp, which made my job a lot easier.
previous work can be found at:
or http://winamp.com
any comments can be directed at:
If you want to put this or any other of my skins on
your website, feel free to do so, as long as you
give me credit for making it and put up a link back
to my website.
May The force be with you
Mr Tough Guy
MEATLOVE Edition Susanna
2003 by chrismale - time2wonder.com
Finally, I convinced myself to skin also the new component windows of winamp2.9
Damn. So I told myself, that zwurbelwurbel is simply PART ...
T4 by Coy2k
27 October 2005
Special thanks goes out to h2o
who gave me permission
to work on his unfinished project
Thanks also goes out to Trevor
Copyrights by Me ...
This skin is based on an image of Vincent, by Nomura Tetsuya.
As a help, I have used the Skinner Atlas, Winamp region.txt generator and Vis Toolkit.
//TheSlof ...
DreadKnightAmp 1.0
August 24, 2000
Author : Ferdhie
I've taken the picture from the games HEROES III,
cos, I figured it was so cool! ^_~
Visit my homepage for other skins that i've made
Url : http://ferdhie.homepage.com
e-mail : info-is@in-fi ...
Thanks for downloading the Ahmadskin vs 1.0
I'm sorry that thw windoshades are screwed, I gotta fix it I know,
but o well the rest of the skin is enjoyable.
Download More at www.geocities.com/ahmadro14
My e-mail info-is@in-file
aim and aol na ...
"The Big Yin"
fanart/skin, 04/2003... dedicated to the real Big Yin, mister Billy Connolly.
by e-blackadder (info-is@in-file or info-is@in-file)
Outrageous Scotsman... one-of-a-kind showman.. ...