N2.9 for WinAmp 2.x
--> BY DEFCON 1 (info-is@in-file)
Thanks for downloading the N2 Skin for WinAmp 2.x
22/03 - 2003
Yet another skin while we all are waiting for the
final release of Winamp 3
What's New (Version History):
- Support of Winamp 2.9 BETA!!! :-)
Version 1.00
- The Skin was created
- This is not an Winamp 3.0 Skin!
- Requires WinAmp 2.0 or better (For the skinable EQ and PL)
- Requires WinAmp 2.9 or better (For the skinable Media Libery and Video)
- Use at least 16-bit mode, 256 colors is crap. Use 24 or 32 bits
to get the best result.
- Paint Shop Pro 7.04
- A little bug concerning the doublesize indicator... (Nothing to do about it)
Currently, my WinAmp skin collection include the followings:
N2.9 v. 1.00
N2 v. 1.00
Neromancer v. 1.10
Future Shock 2001 v. 1.00 (Special)
A.Z.U.R.E 2000 v. 1.01 (Special)
Modus Operandi v. 1.01
Future Shock v. 1.00
A.Z.U.R.E. v. 3.00
Command & Conquer AMP v. 1.10
Blues AMP (mail to get) v. 1.00 (NO EQ- & PL-Skin support!)
Amethyst AMP v. 1.10
Reboot Amp v. 1.00
Pure AMP v. 1.00
WA 2000 v. 1.00
Water Amp v. 1.00
Please send any of your suggestions, comments, and queries
e-mail: info-is@in-file
Homepage: http://www.rwj.mobilixnet.dk/skin.html (All My skins here)
Nickname: Defcon 1
WinAmp is a, free product of NullSoft.
For the latest version of WinAmp, visit the official homepage at
Rasmus Wulff Jensen
(c) Copyright 2003
Greetings to all of you using this skin!
Здравейте и вие българи от цял свят!
This skin is the 4th I've designed but it's based on my first Sony mp2000.Actualy is a remake that I should have done a long time ago... this skin will be available for Wina ...
name: Micha Klein
By : Tim Bakker (Salvatore)
mail: info-is@in-file
ICQ#: 36602778
This winamp is based on a Dutch grafical Atrtist
called Micha Klein. I've seen his work several
times and it was about time somone made a skin
of his work. So I d ...
"Wired" version 1.0
21 August 2002
Created by Dimichan
Thanks to the people in the Skinlove forum!
Please no distribution or modification without express permission of the author, it makes it darn hard to update files you don't know exist!
Ballzzz minimal v 1.0.0 by SacRat
Ballzzz by Taras Brizitsky (AKA SacRat): info-is@in-file
Original idea belongs to Artem Brizitsky (AKA Virus)
Suggestions and bugreports are welcome.
http://sacrat.d ...
11/08/05 SonixMedia v2.0 For Winamp 5 Classic Skins.
Updated ....thanks....
04/09/02 SonixMedia v1.0 For Winamp 2x.
As usual....
If you like it..send me email..so i know that my hard but fun work is making someone happy out there, that all i ask fo ...
Aureus Winamp Skin v1.0
20 June, 2000
Regener8ed @ Bellsouth.net
My second skin. I wanted to create a completely unique and integrated skin that best suits my own personal tastes. (Something I'd use on a daily basis that's not obtrusive on the scr ...
BeAmp v2.9
14th May 2003
Author: Jan T. Sott
Website: www.whyEye.org
Created short time after my first one, this was my attempt to learn about
transparent skins. Since BeOS always attracted me and the use of
transparency was ...