Skin by: -=[E][L][Y}=- Ocbina
Plce Minibrowser and Playlist in middle, EQ in the bottom.
Does it look nice? well, just have fun on it. but dont ripped it
The final version will include AVS and Mickro Skin
Rocky Gio presents:
RG MobyAmp
release date: 31/08/2000
version: 1.0
Hi there all you moby fans!
this is my tribute to MOBY.
the 'little idiot' drawing
(man, dog, alien girl) is
by moby itself. I adapted it
for th ...
Sleek skin for Winamp - v1.0
By Jeremy Morton
Sleek skin is a skin for Winamp 2.91 or lower (Winamp classic), a music player which can be found at To install it, simply open the .wsz file the skin came in.
I've trie ...
O--------------:|SKIN INFO|:--------------O
O Author: V3NOM aka Antti Vuorinen O
O E-MAIL: info-is@in-file O
O Skin: FLUX ...
----------------The Blackface Amp-----------------
Retrostyle Winampskin "Blackface Amp" Ver 1.0.
Based on old Fender amps (Fender blackface amps 1961-1968).
Made by : Ted Broman, 2001
Mail : info-is@in-file
Site : Http://www.retroblast ...
- -- ---Wintendo 1.0--- -- -
thanks for downloading
this is my first attempt at a skin
so kinda learning skin for me
what did i learn i hear you say
that it takes a lot of time!
find anything missing or crap?
email me here
in ...