"Sailormercury Prettysoldier" version 1.3
~SeaGraph' Design production - by DanielSan~
mail: info-is@in-file
webpage: http://seagraph.free.fr/
Skin for WinAmp 2.24
(and higher)
You can give this skin freely,
but don't modify it without the autor's consent
(it's me).
If anyone want to put my skin on a web site,
please ask me before.
July 28, 2002 SeaGraph' Design.
[P.S. sorry for my very poor English]
Skin pour WinAmp 2.24
(et supérieur)
Vous pouvez distribuer ce skin gratuitement
mais ne le modifiez pas sauf autorisation expresse
de l'auteur(c'est-à-dire moi!).
Si quelqu'un veut mettre mon skin dans un site web,
svp prévenez moi.
28/07/2002 SeaGraph' Design.
----------Forge v.1.0---------
Content :
1. Main Infos
2. Inspiration
3. Special Thanks
4. Terms of Using
5. Final Notes
6. Contact
Creator : Marek Wojtal
E-mail : info-is@in-file
Skinname : Forge
Version ...
Skin Creado Por Ivan Palacios
wmp version 4.0
martes, 18, octubre, 2005
ver editada con todas las aplicaciones nesesarias
tiene todo con un diseño dif ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
Desert Amp™ 1.00
Witam jest to ju¿ moja druga skóra do WinAmpa. Spêdzi³em nad ni¹ znacznie wiêcej czasu ni¿ nad pierwsz¹ (Rejs Amp™), ale myœlê, ¿e by³o warto. Pomys³ powstania by³ bardzo p ...