- Killua: Peace of Mind -
- Anime:Hunter X Hunter -
- Version:1.5 -
Created by: Lhestat
Date created: 7/08/02
Updated: 8/10/02
This is skin is inspired from my "absentmindedness"....
info about this character:
Name:Killua Zoldyeck (i hope i spelled it correctly)
A member of a family of assasins whose Job is
to kill or assasinate people. A very rich guy (have a very big
mansion on a top of a mountain)who joined the hunter exam for
fun and the one that didn't passed the team.I didn't finish
the series so i don't know other informations....sorry.^_^
Fonts Use are:
-911 porscha
Want to put it on your site ..... Ask me first ok!!
Thanks for downloading my skin hope you like it!!!
Salamat Po!
¤----------=[ Zaxon 5.5 ]=-----------¤
Skin made by Daniel Jansson
No ripping or other mean stuff
URL: http://www.velocity.u4l.com
E-Mail: info-is@i ...
interAMP 1.1
+ Designed by:
+ Installation Notes:
copy zip files into the skins folder (e.g. C:ProgrammiWinampSkins)
load winamp press Alt+s and select interAMP from the skins window
This is my second skin mangamp DOSOK 79...
The second of a coming series... I hope you collect'em...
Thanxx To Y'all
E-mail: info-is@in-file ...
*Grafitte CLX*
by Carlos Leonardo C. Alves
Barra Mansa-RJ, Brasil August 17, 2001
Thank you for choosing my skin ;-D
Skin made with: MS Paint
Paint Shop Pro 5
Cursors made with: Microangelo 5
G ...
Coppied from winamp/wa_dlg.h from the Winamp 2.9 ML SDK.
1) gen.bmp has a generic window frame for plugins to use.
its format is similar to the minibrowser's.
In addition gen.bmp includes a font for the titlebar, in both
DragonIce / NebFræk : skin - 001
This skin was created by me, DragonIce, or NebFræk i you want - im one
and the same person. Its my first skin, so basically, i downloaded the
the base skin, and edited it...hope no-one minds. Anyway thanks if you
lik ...
Flying Circle 2000 [World Edition]
Created by masa.N
URL: http://www.ne.jp/asahi/ma-kun/ore/e-index.html
URL for Japanese:
MAILTO: info-is@in-file
Wi ...