~~~~~~~~ CLASSICAMP 2.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~
This version of classic amp differs alot from
version1, this is because more sharp edges are
shown which resembles, those very old
amplifiers. This amp is the BOMB!!
WHY D ...
Pink WormageAMP v1.0
By: Ville "Starworm" / "Starman" Saalo
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Helsinki, 19.8.2000 =-=-=-
Okay... So, this is my first skin for Winamp,
and it's based on Worms 2 computer game. This
includes skins for the main windo ...
_,.-*'^'*-.,_,.-*'| THE WOODSHOP |'*-.,_,.-*'^'*-.,_
version 1.0
*Main Info*
Title : The Woodshop
Author : Stijn Oomen
NickName : The Only Lynx
Email Address : info-is@in-file
Homepage : http:// ...
Thanks for Download !!!
This is my second HarryPotter skin
and I took very long time to make it
so I very hope u to like it (just like me :P )
The Harry Movie is very very great.
Harry Ron and Hermione are so cute
so I love to make their skin ; ...
Greetings to all of you using this skin!
Çäðàâåéòå è âèå áúëãàðè îò öÿë ñâÿò!
This skin is the 4th I've designed but it's based on my first Sony mp2000.Actualy is a remake that I should have done a long time ago... this skin will be available for Wina ...
[ A F T E R S H O C K ]
[ F L Y E R - 2 0 0 0 ]
······· Ver 1.0 ·······
Created by FlyEr (A.K.A. WarpFlyght). All rights are reserved. No one
besides winamp.com a ...
April 2001
rp13 yellow
Mein dreizehnter WinampSkin
Viel Spaß damit!
Was ich sonst noch mache:
POV-Ray, TakeONE und Sound Club:
speziell TakeONE auf:
Gruß Porrey
eMai ...
Otoño version
by Valentin Sagraio
- Made for Winamp 2.x
- Tested on Winamp 2.62 (x86)
- 100% original.
- Made with Adobe
Photoshop 5.0
- Visualization recome ...
> (v.1.0.)
Thank you for downloading this skin. I hope that you like it and that you'll enjoy it.
Other skins: Tal'Shiar
Bird Of Prey
Delta Flyer
Lyran AMP
Jeri AMP
Quantum AMP
Borg Con ...