Version 2.51
By flatmatt
May 15, 2004
Version History:
- Added gen.bmp "no resize" mode image
- Added video window
- Added generic frame
2.0 (First "2000" edition):
(Based on the Winamp3 ...
this is my second skin , and i love it .
i hope you love it too .
write what is shit or what i can change !
p.s. you need the font "dungeon"
send me an e-mail if you don´t find the font in the net , i will send
it ...
[parasitic decoy]
:creator: neural
:created under: version 2.80
:windows skinned: every single last on of 'em
omg, its a light winamp skin by neural. the end of the world is a'comin! if its too bright for you, then, um, get out more and stare ...
think karo .. bkaro.net
This is the official bkaro dot net winamp skin.
It's made in the Ice design like our whole site.
Note: if you have problems with the animated
cursors: Re ...
kyaela v2.0 - minibrowser
Kyaela v2.0
by ~caz
[format: WA2.xx]
[released 30th April 2003]
[vers 1.0]
I'm really crap at writing these readme thingies so give me a break lol.
Windows Amp For Winamp 5x (I think)
By John Kreitlow (aka J2krei08) and PLUTONIUM-R (in memory of RADIUM-V)
V2 Completion Date: 6/14/2005
I changed a few things to make it more true to Windows. There are less errors and more detailed images here. ...
by NemoOrange
Version 1.0
January 2005
Made with Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7.0
[[nemoorange.deviantart.com]] - my art
[[visbot.net]] - world class AVS presets
[[info-is@in-file]] ...