McLaren F1 AMP
Created by Dawg4Life2K1 (aka Alex Luu)
"McLaren F1 AMP" is property of Alex Luu and may not be ripped, reproduced, or republlished in any
way or form without my discretion. If found, the rip will be taken down immediately, and I will
personally hunt you down like an animal.
Parts skinned:
Main Window
AVS (Advanced Video Studio)
MB Inner
McLaren F1
FlatBlue for Winamp 2.9
changed some details
FlatBlue for Winamp 2.9
Albumlist, Gucchi's Lyrics Displayer, TmsVU,
and MuchFX2(to exchange, using "Resourse Hacker".)
Do not use any stuff of th ...
Goku Amp
by Larry Tennison
Well, onward with the DragonBall Z skins I present to you
Goku Amp. This is the 3rd of the dbz skins I have made,
and there are still more to come. To date, I have a Tru ...
Thank you for downloading CaesarAmp!
Please read me! You might learn something!
This skin is an attempt to capture the classic
beauty of Rome...and apply it to a functional
If you are wondering what the Latin words mean,
here they are. I d ...
"special set"
skin for WinAMP 2.9x
version 1.00
--> skin made by
I)estym / sergey danushin
summer-autumn 2003
--> the skin is designed for WinAMP 2.91. It should work properly with other 2x versions, up to WinAMP 2.95
--> features
1. skinne ...
-- IsIzumi WINAMP SKIN --
created by Devil
Name : Izumi Izosaki
Date of Birth : August 25th, 1983
Blood Type : B
Education : Wanda High School
Izuki is a character from a jap ...