Skin Name: E-Tekk
Date of Creation: 20th July 2002
My best skin I ever made. I used Paint Shop Pro 7 and Skinner to make
this skin. For the Cursers I used Axialis AX-Cursor 4.5
It took me about 30 hours of work.
Check out my other skins on http://www.thunderdeath.fr.fm
Enjoy it !!!
But please don't use my skin components to make another one !!
Made by rohieb with a little help from MS Paint and self written editor (and, of course, a computer!). Took only a few hours, cuz I took the same scheme as the Just Red skin. Look for the Just Red and Just Black skins too.
info-is@in-file ...
Chiaki Kuriyama Skin
created by May
Version 1.1 completed 28th October 2003
Skin no. 18
working time: 2 day
Finally a new skin. Chiaki Kuriyama yay! Isn't she thes coolest and prettiest??
It's my second real life picture skin and I LOVE it. A ...