Dragon Clan Winamp Skin (DragonAmp)
Author: Charon
Authors email: info-is@in-file
This skin may be freely distributed providing this Readme file is included and this zip is not modified in any way.
If you intend to modify this skin ...
PanasonicXBass v1.0+ by AjiZ Modified at 14 July 2000
I modified a skin with Panasonic Audio Player interfa ...
---------------PettirWorx 2.0----------------------------------------------
Skin Faq: metal, blue screen, Green Lights,
This copy of PettirWorx 2.0 is updated to skin
the AVS visual plugin from nullsoft(includes in
Splat v 1.3
My first line of skins....they're getting better...
Go Terps
Made by Brett Taylor a.k.a. Jack Splat
6-16-01 ...
Pink WormageAMP v1.0
By: Ville "Starworm" / "Starman" Saalo
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Helsinki, 19.8.2000 =-=-=-
Okay... So, this is my first skin for Winamp,
and it's based on Worms 2 computer game. This
includes skins for the main windo ...