[ A F T E R S H O C K ]
[ F L Y E R - 2 0 0 0 ]
······· Ver 1.0 ·······
Created by FlyEr (A.K.A. WarpFlyght). All rights are reserved. No one
besides winamp.com a ...
Verte Chose
(c) 2001 Neil Harvey
Hmmmmm, so whats all this about then?, Oh I dunno,
just some crapola I've been dinking around with for
what seems like forever ...
Plain and simple:
- Thanx for downloading
- There are 7 more skins i've made of this same "theme"
and one of the "Worlds Greatest Guitarrist", so
download them all
- Any comment or suggestion: info-is@in-file
or icq my associate PaNchO at 1532 ...
:: Bionica v2 ::
made for breed release #22
Based on Bionica v1 and the color scheme from 'Go Boy 6' in danimation2001's deviantart gallery, all windows skinned. Color mods will be available on my w ...
SONIC ATTITUDE - By LuigiHann (info-is@in-file)
I started this skin a long time ago, and over the past couple of days I've shaken the dust off and finished it up. I also added a lot of cursors, many of which are animated ...
A WinAMP Skin by
Khamura - info-is@in-file
This one's for you, hide... wherever you are.
Hello all you happy people! ^_^
With the revamp of my first two hide skins finished, I had so many ideas ...