Fire - Faust v 0 0 0 1
Wazzup! This is my newest skin. In collaboration with Pe@cemaker we are both releasing two skins
that are similar in some looks overall but, ahve completely unique feel and style. They will be released
Fire Faust
- GaretJax : info-is@in-file
Ice Faust
- Ellusive : info-is@in-file
Garet Jax or Peacemaker are/is not liable for what stupid people do
with our/my skin.
* You may not use parts of this skin unless you ask.
* if you use anything you must send me a copy (email) requesting usage.
* if you fail to meet the above I will find it and humiliate you.
anything skin relevant is found in this document
(its called readme.html // readme.txt)
if you don't want to make it your default, be my
guest, but at least you may want take a look at it.
distribute this skin freely, but don't delete the
Name: Joe W. Garrett [x] Main [x] Main_WS
Skin: Fire Faust [x] Eq [x] EQ_WS
Dev: 4 Days +- [x] PlayList [x] PL_WS
Alias: Garet Jax [x] Minibrowser [ ] Inner HTML
Date: 08.10.2002 [x] Mikro [x] Readme.txt
web: [x] AVS [ ] WebUrls
mail: info-is@in-file [ ] Cursors [ ] Replace MB Script
(c) g a r e t j a x ( 2 0 0 2 )
Name: Mike McKimm [x] Main [x] Main_WS
Skin: Ice Faust [x] Eq [x] EQ_WS
Dev: 4 Days +- [x] PlayList [x] PL_WS
Alias: Pe@cemaker [x] Minibrowser [ ] Inner HTML
Date: 08.10.2002 [x] Mikro [x] Readme.txt
web: [x] AVS [ ] WebUrls
mail: info-is@in-file [ ] Cursors [ ] Replace MB Script
(c) p e @ c e m a k e r ( 2 0 0 2 )
Skin name - F-Amp: the Grey version
Skin version - 1.3
Release date - 15 April 2000
File name -
Creator - FJ van Oosterom
E-mail - info-is@in-file
Made in - Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Title: Sheikah Night
Games: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time,
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Author: kayak
Email: info-is@in-file
UPDATED: Skinned the extra parts for Winamp 2.9
I really like the character Sheik and I was very pleased to see ...
[ g r y p h o n ]
my latest work in winamp
i wanted this to be a 30th century war machine
kinda like a mechwarrior console but more stylish
its my first duotone skin and looks good cause of that
why is it ca ...
Winamp3 Classified skin for Winamp
(Released July 4, 2004.)
This port of the Winamp3 De ...
make shift rerun (winamp skin)
skin design, layout and artwork property of joe psota: info-is@in-file..
other skins include makeshift, opalescent, the creation series and a series of smashing pumpkins
skins found at :
and ...
First off thanks for downloading the ///AOI (Art Official Intelligence)
Winamp Skin.....a few things....this is a dedication for the best hip
hop la soul...i have a whole package available with this
skin, a screensaver, and a ...
=Panasonic 2006=
- Winamp Skin v2.2.0
- Skin designed by: Kolesnikov Alexey N.
- My Second Skin For Winamp
- It Is Added: Graphics, Is Changed Buttons And Others...
- *************************************
- E-mail: info-is@in-file
- All Rights ...