`````````````````````` Titanium_Maximis 1.0 ```````````````````````
This skin contains skins for 5 additional
pulggins! The main thing that many skins lack
is multiple skin support, so thus this skin was
This skin was designed from drawning ideas from
many sliver HiFi's and DvD players...mainly the
Dvd players...i didn't want to copy a specific
design so as to retain the skins origonality...
It wus really hard to find a name for this skin
...so, i named it after Maximus from Gladiator..
```````````````````````````` Skin Contents `````````````````````````````
* Main Control Amp
* Equilizer
* Playlist
* Minibrowser
* Cursors
* AVS skin [pluggin #1]
* MikroAmp skin [pluggin #2]
* Albumlist skin [pluggin #3]
* Amarok skin [pluggin #4]
** Vidamp skin [pluggin #5]
* - tested!
** - not tested!
````````````````````````````` Skin Presets `````````````````````````````
For best viewing results use these presets:
1. Set Visualization to Spectrum Analyzer, refresh
rate @ 70 fps, Fire Style, Peaks ON and Thin
Set Visualization to Spectrum Analyzer, refresh
rate @ 70 fps, Normal Style, Peaks ON and Thick/
thin bands
2. Viewed best at 800x600 and with True color.
`````````````````````````````` Skin Info ```````````````````````````````
1. This skin was designed using MS Paint, Adobe
Photoshop 5 & ArcSoft Photoshop
2. No skinning tools were used in designing this
3. This took 5 weeks to complete
4. This skin may not be ripped and must be
distributed with this readme file
Skin no.17
`````````````````````````````` Contact Me ``````````````````````````````
If you have questions or comments here are
my E-mail addresses:
If you like this skin and want to download
my other skins goto:
Durban,South Africa
````````````````````````````` Wobbles 2002 `````````````````````````````
LIME Version 1.irrelevant decimal number
March 20, 2000
by Wes
Hey! Thanks for downloading this, my first skin. It's the result
of many many hours of procrastination and desparate attempts
to avoid finals ...
---=== the CUBE v1.0 ===---
creator: Kuki
contact: info-is@in-file
(in english or german)
A friend told me there was a movie in the theaters a y ...
* All Components Updated for winamp 2.95 *
This skin is the latest in my series
of ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
=>Windows Xp Styled Skin from GSA info-is@in-file
-> info-is@in-file
for more skins visit:
-> www.gsa.fatal.ru
MASSamp 4.0 for Winamp 2.x
It' s my second skin and it contains the main window, the playlist, the equalizer, the minibrowser and AVS.
I used a little of Photoshop and Illustrator to make my skin but mostly Paint.
Please do not copy o ...