"Hell Gates" (Cemetary Gates Remix)
Created by Dimichan, remixed by Guilherme Simi Müller (info-is@in-file)
This skin was remixed for the 1001winampskins.com "skin remix contest" with permission given by the author.
Please no distribution or modification without express permission of the author, it makes it darn hard to update files you don't know exist!
And credit to Dark Funeral for the CD cover that inspired this skin.
Comments are welcome! ^_^
Hope you like it!
--[ TopazAmp v1.3 ]--
about this skin
(for v2.x of Winamp)
This is my first attempt at a Winamp skin, based on the design of my web site.
-- some bugs from v1.0 fixed
-- thanks to Wolf [http://surf.to/guf, info ...
Atomic Wind
designed by
this one is
burn your eyes
so don't whine
That took a while.
Started in January, 2001.
Best viewed under 16 Bits or more.
(best for your health)
Main: ...
}this is read better with NOTEPAD{
>created by : Unsane from Bulgaria
>added : v 1.8 -avs,mb and now SHUFFLE & REPEAT buttons(not good but i'll think of something),{the balance just did ...