qqqqqq qqqqqq qq qq
qq qq qq qq
qq qqqqqq qq qq
qq qq qq qq
qqqqqq qqqqqq qqqqqq qqqqqq
i was born confused
and thats what i am
night and silence
nothing more for fun
crazed outshored
nightvision and heat
killin but softly
more and more on feet
funny tongue i got
funny shades i use
funny are my ways
funny! still im abused
i am the death
you think im dead
i am the cell
i am the splinter
i am in your head
bobbyrock alias bobby sandhu
What happens when you get tired of makin' those heavy skins that require a lots of eye power and endless hours of hovering the mouse in bmp files? Skin like this happens! I was tired after drawing ibid and retradio and needed a break, but when you have learnt how to draw winamp skins you cannot sit free without working at a skin. So, I started this one. Later got busy in drawing skins for satti and in updating DevArt, meanwhile creating this skin and finally today on 23 feb 2005, 10:43 Indian standard time i've finished it.
The best thing i like about this skin is the equalizer where the bars have been blended into the picture in a tech way and they become a part of the picture. Was a lil tough. Even the cbuttons and shufrep have been blended in such a way that they dont mess up with the theme of the skin at all, instead they become. Rest is usual.
And about the game! Well a nice one. Silent and something where you get the gun but cant fo-fo!!
So in the end to say the mendatory things: dont rip her and she is mine!!
The skin is dedicated to Tom Clancy who wont stop writing. I wish he was back at Broadway and unitedly to Shadycloud, tuchten, Beautiful101, lizarts, Niennatje. You people came to watch me while i was creating this skin.
Wanna kill me? Come here:
AFTERTHOUGHT: Patiala Heritage Craft Fare
Wai wai! Pretty Ashura! This skin is also a bit crowded, but the CLAMP
artwork is still very cool! I tend to use this skin with that winamp
plugin that makes the background of the viscolor display transparent.
http ...
Slipknot skin for Winamp
Nov 13, 2000:
i finally decided to upload this skin to winamp.com (after almost four months of deliberation)... the main window is a bit too much on the contrasty side.
(ps try to find all 9 members... all of them are on t ...
Wow, talk about a BUSY skin! Yow this one is super cluttered! But it's Sakura! She looks cute no matter what setting she is in! CLAMP does seem to go overboard with these backgrounds though... anyway, the buttons are there, ya just gotta search ...
-*** Silence ***-
-October, 2000
-- Skin was born in Adobe Photoshop 5.5
-- Cursors were born in Axialis Ax-Cursors 4.5
-- I finally finished what used to be 'Em142' but
later became my favorite skin, so I renamed it after
myself: 'The S ...
o What has the skin bin thru?
Some hardcore plastic-surgery added some new body-parts named Browser 'n AVS. It realy takes your breath away, though the AVS was just done as a fasten your seatbelts kinda thing.
Some flat makeover in t ...