This is my lastest skin called:
Well as always hope u like it
by the way Dr. Algebra's program is good to start but i have nuthin from it left haha,
The Elusive Melon 2001..........the melon has spoken
This Skin was generated using SkinAmp ...
-=[Liquid Paradise]=-
By Stephan Hoekstra AKA Ampburner
My latest and prolly final winamp 2.x skin.
I'm gonna keep my big mouth shut, and let
you enjoy it!
Here's the deal: if you like my skin and
would l ...
Producto de Daniel's Wolrd
Buenos Aires Argentina
Hola, Saludos a los que vean este documento.
Si usted esta leyendo esto, significa que pude hacer que mi amp
apareciera en o en otra pagina parecida y ...
---------- Millennium ----------
Releaseversion: 2.1
Creator: Riccardo Mosca
Date: 16/4/2000
Contact: info-is@in-file
What's different from v2.0?
A small error in Equalizer and new menu for Playlist
What's different from v1.0?
Bug fixed, tri ...
Ali Larter skin v1.0
This skin was made by Mr Tough Guy.
special thanx to Cyana for making template amp, which made my job a lot easier.
previous work can be found at:
or http ...