Pink WormageAMP v1.0
By: Ville "Starworm" / "Starman" Saalo
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Helsinki, 19.8.2000 =-=-=-
Okay... So, this is my first skin for Winamp,
and it's based on Worms 2 computer game. This
includes skins for the main windo ...
fmsc2.1 (Frank MILLER's Sin City 2.1)
february 01
First of all:
Please, don't ask me to make you skins, I barely have time to update mine!
Also, don't ask for porn/sex/hardcore pics or skins, I don't have such ...
Version 1.4
Changed the design of the top bars on all windows to a flatter design plus overall improvements.
Version 1.2
After originally uploading it, the next day I found myself not liking it much so I made changes, especially to the mini brows ...
DreadKnightAmp 1.0
August 24, 2000
Author : Ferdhie
I've taken the picture from the games HEROES III,
cos, I figured it was so cool! ^_~
Visit my homepage for other skins that i've made
Url :
e-mail : info-is@in-fi ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
* C H A M E L E O N Version 1.0 *
This skin is an authorized remix of Leonardo C. Alves' Oceano Player - Caribe,
made for the remix contest 20 ...
December 2001
Intrude v1.0
By Mike McKimm -=[ PeaceMaker ]=-
Hey! I hope you enjoy this skin as much as I do. It took a bit of effort but I think it all paid off. Something original I hope, nothing too metalic based, because thats all been done bef ...
*** KFC Meer ***
Skin made for soccer club KFC Meer from Belgium. The skin has the same style as the website (which I also created).
(skin created with Paintshop Pro, Skinner, IconEdit Pro)
kAysEr. ...
b o o s t V I I I V 2 . 0
boost again... the winamp 2.0 version, made for
your winamp pleasure...
i also wanted to include some modified plugin,
either funkyfx or the good old speaker plug, but ...
Advanced DVD PlayerŽ - 03.03.2004
All design & graphics by Salamander.
Special thanks to Dejan Stancovic (info-is@in-file) for some ideas!
Used soft:
- Corel PhotoPaint 11
- Ulead PhotoImpact 7
- MS Paint
- MicroAngelo 5.0
- Region Maker
- XnView ...