Fire - Faust v 0 0 0 1
Wazzup! This is my newest skin. In collaboration with Pe@cemaker we are both releasing two skins
that are similar in some looks overall but, ahve completely unique feel and style. They will be released
Fire Faust
- GaretJax : info-is@in-file
Ice Faust
- Ellusive : info-is@in-file
Garet Jax or Peacemaker are/is not liable for what stupid people do
with our/my skin.
* You may not use parts of this skin unless you ask.
* if you use anything you must send me a copy (email) requesting usage.
* if you fail to meet the above I will find it and humiliate you.
anything skin relevant is found in this document
(its called readme.html // readme.txt)
if you don't want to make it your default, be my
guest, but at least you may want take a look at it.
distribute this skin freely, but don't delete the
Name: Joe W. Garrett [x] Main [x] Main_WS
Skin: Fire Faust [x] Eq [x] EQ_WS
Dev: 4 Days +- [x] PlayList [x] PL_WS
Alias: Garet Jax [x] Minibrowser [ ] Inner HTML
Date: 08.10.2002 [x] Mikro [x] Readme.txt
web: [x] AVS [ ] WebUrls
mail: info-is@in-file [ ] Cursors [ ] Replace MB Script
(c) g a r e t j a x ( 2 0 0 2 )
Name: Mike McKimm [x] Main [x] Main_WS
Skin: Ice Faust [x] Eq [x] EQ_WS
Dev: 4 Days +- [x] PlayList [x] PL_WS
Alias: Pe@cemaker [x] Minibrowser [ ] Inner HTML
Date: 08.10.2002 [x] Mikro [x] Readme.txt
web: [x] AVS [ ] WebUrls
mail: info-is@in-file [ ] Cursors [ ] Replace MB Script
(c) p e @ c e m a k e r ( 2 0 0 2 )
-KB- [kick 'n' bass] ...marS
Can you believe it? Only 3 days to make this skin
Its a new record I think :D
Thanx to all you 4 downloading -KB-
for eny comment: info-is@in-file
Special thanx to SMAR ; ...
version 1.51
By flatmatt
Hmmmmmm, my first metal-3D-type skin. I'm sure the guys at devart will like this one more. Staring at it for hours made me think of stars and space and stuff, hence the title. ...
Handbook digi 4 by Philipptr
e-mail: info-is@in-file
First thing:
...hear vanessa amorosi with this player... angry with the handbook cause im a
german, 12 year young boy... angry when you've heard enri ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
-=André All Stars skin=-
Done in Paint and Photoshop. An homenage to us that have this beautiful name, and the other derivated names (Andrew, Andreas, Andrea, Andreia, Anders, Anderson...).
Fix bug edition finished at sat april 23rd 2005.
Conta ...
Enterprise ST-AC M (Star-Trek, Audio Controls Modified)
By Eftinoiu Cristian
Date: 2006 definitivated, but first ideas from 2003
Iasi, Romania, EU
e-mail: info-is@in-file