10:33 PM 7/6/2005
Hey Every body I have just completed another skin after working on it for the second night,I hope you all like, I made it because I am a fan of the X-Men & and there weren't any skins on Gambit (good ones anyway).Enjoy!!!
DATe: 12/28/2000
thanx for downloading my winamp skin. this is my third skin and i hope you people
like it. ive worked very hard on it so dont be stealing my skin.
feel free to comment on my skin
creator: AntM
e ...
Tokyo Nights
(X) Sumeragi Subaru & Shirou Kamui
by Elwen Skye
- the font is AllureScript
- select "accent text" is in BM Mini
- balance is hidden, as usual
- equalizer an ...
Czarnystok v.1.0
(c) by Smaug/Yoss
As you can see, there is some bugs in here, but
i'll try to fix them in the next version :-)
And no minibrowser and AVS windows supported (yet:-)
To tyle z angielskiego ( i tak wiecej niz Wajda na rozdaniu
[parasitic decoy]
:creator: neural
:created under: version 2.80
:windows skinned: every single last on of 'em
omg, its a light winamp skin by neural. the end of the world is a'comin! if its too bright for you, then, um, get out more and stare ...
Description: This skin is simulated old DOS applications, Do you miss
the old age?
Program used: PhotoShop 5.5, WinAmp v2.5c
Produced by: Alexander Yu(Chinese name: Yu JianRong) info-is@in-file
Date: ...