Space Invaders Amp
This skin for every "Space Invaders" mania.
Thank you for the people in the skin love forum who gave me suggestions.
Version1.3 Jan 18 / 2004
Changed Mikroamp.
Changed some details of library.
Changed Pnormal.cur.
Version1.2 September 24 / 2003
Invisible cursors problems were fixed.(But I don't satisfied about the result...)
Changed Pledit color.
Changed some details of library.
Version1.1 August 3 / 2003
Version1.0 July 22 / 2003
"Space Invaders"
1978 taito corp. all rights reserved.
Do not use any stuff of this skin without permission.
Do not use commercial purpose without permission.
Do not republish without permission.
By Mrym
Sorry for my poor enghish.
MarioAmp v1.0 by CR54
Skin for WinAmp 1.8 (and higher)
Thanks to Shiguru Miyamoto for inspiration
Thanks to Grooverider for da beatz n' bass
(c)1999 CR54
Contact me at info-is@in-fi ...
Halloween Americana
by dollerspark
This skin was created for one of, if not the, best bands ever, Everclear. Little info:
Art Alexakis - Guitar, Vocals
Craig Montoya - Bass, Backup Vocals
Greg Eklund - Drums, Backup Vocals
Albums: World of No ...
M O N S O O N - kensen john
A rainy day. Nowhere to go. Nothing to do.
The sound of the rain smashing on my window.
Lightning and thunder makes ...
C O N N E C T - X
C O N N E C T - X
The new simplistic skin from skinme!
If you want to talk to me about this skin
you should find me in the SHARE YOUR SKIN
LOVE forum at Winamp:
============ lavalAMP - Aqua ============
This skin was created in August 2002 by
Thomas Hooper (info-is@in-file)
If you're planning on taking credit for
this skin or publishing it without
mentioning me, DONT! because it took
flippin ages, usin ...