Space Invaders Amp
This skin for every "Space Invaders" mania.
Thank you for the people in the skin love forum who gave me suggestions.
Version1.3 Jan 18 / 2004
Changed Mikroamp.
Changed some details of library.
Changed Pnormal.cur.
Version1.2 September 24 / 2003
Invisible cursors problems were fixed.(But I don't satisfied about the result...)
Changed Pledit color.
Changed some details of library.
Version1.1 August 3 / 2003
Version1.0 July 22 / 2003
"Space Invaders"
1978 taito corp. all rights reserved.
Do not use any stuff of this skin without permission.
Do not use commercial purpose without permission.
Do not republish without permission.
By Mrym
Sorry for my poor enghish.
```````````` Pioneer-VS-ClassicAmp Remix 1.0 ```````````
The Remix is here, after watching my best skin
falling off the 1001winampskins top 10, I decided
to strike back!
I decided to fuse two of my most popular skins,
and hopefully come up with a ...
_Skin name_
23-4-1999 (eight hours before the start of the batavierenrace)
You need winamp 2.x to use this skin, it'll cause trouble in previous versions
Recommend lots-of-colors or higher.
_I ...
Brushed Steel skin for WinAmp
Created by Eric Pauker
email comnments to info-is@in-file
Please do not modify or add files to the zip file this skin came in.
You are free to use parts of this skin in your own skin, bu ...