This skin is the replica to the actual SONY RX77S.
It is the updated version and the best skin i have made.
Please enjoy it, but if u do make any changes 2 it dont take
cred 4 it.
This is the update:
The following aspects have been improved:
1. Volume bar has been improved.
2. Balance bar has been improved.
3. Title Bar has been fixed; RX77S has been removed as people suggested.
4. Shuffle/repeat improved.
5. Play list buttons improved.
6. Changed the equaliser.
7. Add some transparency.
8. Other little aspect also improved which make the skin overall much better than V.2!
Author: Harry Singh.
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Por Verónica Mogni
Comentarios? Sugerencias? info-is@in-file
Septiembre 2002
Buenos Aires - Argentina
Incluye un AVS:
Renombrar AbismoAmp.wsz a
Extraer *.AVS ...
Sony wx-5500mdx
version: 1.2
by: Gec Production(c), 2002
location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Date of production: Feb.13.2002
e-mail: info-is@in-file
(March 07.2002):
- eq. min. button bug fixed
- posbar copy.bmp added (change it to posba ...