Numark BlueDog - A WinAmp "Skin" Interface.
version 4
Version notes:
New avs window and reworked player buttons
Designer's notes:
The interface is based on my personal Numark BlueDog mixer combined with some buttons from their cd-players. With this update comes a full set of Numark product look-a-likes. Not only the player, but also equalizer, playlist editor, minibrowser and avs, all in the same dj-style.
Display notes:
The only display to be used is a a hi-color (16-bit) or even better, a smooth true-color (24- or 32-bit) display. As it is originaly made in 24-bit.
Thanks goes out to:
Numark, for their excellent equipment.
/Henrik Mjöberg, info-is@in-file
Zilver Chr0me
by Keith Chiappone
Please do not copy this i worked very hard on it. while ur at it download my other skins: Infern0, Thick Liquid Metal, Blue Kaleidoscope 2, Red Hell 2, and Incubus - A Certain Shade Of Green. more to come soon! ...
Red Thing
(c) 2001 Neil Harvey
March 2003 Upgraded to Winamp2.9 specification.
A stripped down version of Lara Flynn Boyle, the devil inside
cheap I know, so sue me :)
Greetings ...
" . b a l a n c e . 1.3 "
- By JinSeng -
Redone. Looks better, although I doubt I'll ever be fully satisfied w/it. -HA! The little volume problem is solved!
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- info-is@in-file -
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