Adrenalin X02 1.0
This is the first skin of the new X02 series.
I consider this to be a crossover of my past explorations to several styles.
It was inspired by the Wipeout game series.
Other X-caponius' skins for winamp2x
Red X 866 v2.0
X-manus v1.2
Chiller X v1.0
Protestor X v1.0
Alien[X]ated v1.0
Chiller X ltd v1.0
Qirex v1.0
X-tinted v2.0
Cosmical X V1.4
Xenon v1.5
LiquidXtention v1.0
X-tinted X09 v1.1
REversus X v1.0
Xtd 9199 v1.0
Adrenalin X02 v1.0
For sysmeter
X tripus v1.0
Alien[x]ated v1.1
Xenon v1.0
for sonique
Xodus 84-21 v1.0
Enjoy and distribute this skin....but dont copy any graphics and dont alter this skin.........c ya soon with a new X-caponius' skin! :)
16-BitAmp For Winamp 5x (I think)
By John Kreitlow (aka J2krei08) and RADIUM-V
V2 Completion Date: 8/24/2005
Version Two is here! I fixed some problems from the first version, and made it more true to DOS, with the fonts and all. I still couldn't ...
LASERmecha_4000 Genesis
LASERmecha_4000 Genesis is a reissue of the original LASERmecha_4000 skin. The original skin was created on a computer using wrong contrast settings. The result was that the skin ended up appearing darker on most monitors than w ...
Midnight Amp v1.0
~ by Subrandom ~
Distrubuted on:
I spent most of my time working
on this skin with much moral
support from mr joel day
and the rest of the pals at
thirdcoil, so hang around there
and ill mak ...
SCUAIR mo - WA 2.91 skin - by bunji
SCUAIR mo is my attempt on the metal-skin franchise. Hope you dig it! I put about 40 hours of work into this little baby.
Created with inspration from 883( and with help from Joe ...
=[Rei Ayamami Skin for Winamp 2.0+]=
=[W.h.a.t.'.s. .T.h.i.s]======================
You all probably already know what this is,
otherwise you wouldn't have downloaded it.
But for you who don't know, this is a ...
MEATLOVE Edition Susanna
2003 by chrismale -
Finally, I convinced myself to skin also the new component windows of winamp2.9
Damn. So I told myself, that zwurbelwurbel is simply PART ...