AMD Thunderbird Processor Skin Version 1.0 by Garbo 7-28-00
Sleek & stylish follow-up of my Athlon K7 skin for the AMD loyalists.
Trying to keep up with AMD is a time consuming task !
Many of the same full features as the Athlon, but maybe faster?
Thanks to AMD for their "fast forward" technology, and the Logo's,
and many thanks to all that responded to my Athlon skin !
Enjoy the design..................................
Gary Bouthillier
Tip: Spectrum analyzer best set @ fire style
0,0,0, // color 0 = black
0,0,0, // color 1 = black
0,72,47 // 2 = top of spec
0,81,52 // 3
0,91,60 // 4
0,100,65 // 5
0,110,71 // 6
0,119,78 // 7
0,128,83 // 8
0,136,88 // 9
0,145,94 // 10 = mid of spec
0,153,99 // 11
0,161,104 // 12
0,170,111 // 13
0,179,116 // 14
0,188,122 // 15
0,197,128 // 16
0,206,134 // 17 = bottom of spec
0,206,134 // 18 = osc 1
0,170,111 // 19 = osc 2 (slightly dimmer)
0,136,88 // 20 = osc 3
0,100,65 // 21 = osc 4
0,64,41 // 22 = osc 4 (dimmest)
0,206,134 // 23 = analyzer peak dots
Golden Jeri Ryan - Remix
(c) Neil Harvey 2000
March 2003 upgraded to winamp2.9 specification
My First, and so far!, best Winamp Skin, based on the beautiful
Jeri Ryan of Star Trek ...
Kate Beckinsale AMP v1.0
Alex Luu - info-is@in-file
Please DO NOT use this skin or any of its parts
for your own projects or publish it as your own
work. Thank you and enjoy. ...
|~~~~~°*Gravy Amp v.1.0*°~~~~
| °°* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~*°°
| by --> C_Specter
Thank you for downloading Gravy Amp v.1.0!
I hope you find it quiet nice. This skin was created because of an endless boredom in the summer holida ...
t i m e h o s t a g e
we do not control time
it controls us
therefore, we are all hostages of time
What a shitty way to start a ...
----- D E M O N -----
This one took me hours... 22 hours totaly.
Everything was skinned. Lyrics, Bookmark Skin... result of a empty day. :/
But, worth it.
Don't Rip this Skin.
Any comments , e-mail me at:
Primary E-mail:
info-is@in- ...