Previous versions
- - UH - -v1.0 (Carbon Blue Pro)
- - UH - -v2.0 (Summer III Sharp Version)
- - UH - -v5.0 (WaitANdSee)
- - UH - -v5.1 (WaitANDSee, Colour)
- - UH - -v6.0 Beta (AddictedTOu)
- - UH - -v7 (EPISODE)
Created by Monosoft AmandeDotNet Co., Ltd.
New version
[- - UH - -v6.8 AddictedToU Professional]
Profession version of UH.
(For Amande Monde 2001
Created by Monosoft AmandeDotNet Co., Ltd.
The Skin was created with Ulead iPhoto Plus 4.0
(may be no one know the program) and Notepad.
Author's Words:
For Celeberation of 2001
and Born of AM@ndeDotNet 2001~!
SeE All of You in 2002~~!!!
Thanks all~~!
Lee Lap Yan, Amande
Monosoft AmandeDotNet Co., Ltd.
Contact: info-is@in-file
icq# 58318545
************************** Omega V70 ***************************
Hello There!
Thanx for downloading my skin
****************** My Skin So Far *************
Mr Hysch Amp
Hysch Amp II
Technics Amp
Omega Amp
Omega Amp II
Omega 2000
Mp3place ...
Hi, thanks for downloading XG Synth-Amp. This is my second Winamp skin, the first being IBM Amp. I put
in alot more time on this one (3 months vs. 3 days for IBM Amp), so hopefully it is decent.
If you have any problems, suggestions, or questions, f ...
Skin for Winamp 2.X
As always, this skin is inspired from one of my hobbies and passions ...
Many years ago Prince Darkness " GANNON " stole one of the TRIFORCE with power. Princess ZELDA had one of the TRIFORCE with wisdom. She divided it into " 8 "units to hide it from " GANNON " before she was captured.