- The name of the skin
PSV Eindhoven
- Release version of the skin
- A short description of the skin:
Eindhoven de gekste, en Nilis moet blijven, PSV skin for all the fans.
- The category that best fits my skin:
- My name (or alias)
- My email address
- URL of my homepage (if you have one)
*** Raj.I/O.Amp.2k Special Edition
*** Created By Raj.I/O in 2000
This is a new (the first) rebuild of my first skin; Raj.I/O.Amp.2k
I strongly recomend for BEST results:
- Go to the Visualizations Options for winamp
- Use Spectrum analyser m ...
MacOS8Amp v1.1 (normal) - 06-17-2000 by Gertjan van der Veldt
The ultimate MacOS8 based Winamp skin.
Version v1.1 - 06-17-2000
- Some minor fixes.
Enjoy my second WinAmp skin. (AmOS35Amp was my first).
info-is@in-file ...
----Tech_amp2:Last Edition----
Welcome to my readme!
Thanks for downloading my skin.
It's my last skin before
Winamp 3 comes.
It looks much much better
now that I have used
smoother interface.
Hope you like it!
Send e-mails at:
info-is@in-fi ...
..::Lunarscape::.. Winamp Skin version 1.2
by Wikanes T. 17-12-2001
Contact: info-is@in-file
Hope you like it.
Please let me know your thought.
version 1.2 --> re-build almost all playlis ...
Nombre: Simple Skin
Versión: 2.0 para WinAmp 5
Autor: Edwin Parada
Fecha de terminación: Abril 26 de 2005
Tiempo de trabajo: Algo asi como 3 dias
Componentes:Ventana principal