By Simon Mansley
CREATED 5th November, 2000
COMMENTS: Ahh, another skin from me! Yeah.. woo. Right. Anyway, another easy-to-use skin, that looks nice, and is blue-ish (again). But this time, it looks ...
FusionAmp WA-2 skin for Winamp
(Featured Skin, March 7, 2002.)
Version History:
Fusion AMPman
Authored by: Blayde
Sony AMP XE-320
Sony AMP XE-320 v 2.0
Sony AMP XE-320 v 2. ...
B L U E S B R O T H E R S - Winamp Skin 1.1
for Winamp 2.x
_ Designed by Jairo Ochoa, info-is@i ...
The Blair Witch Project Amp (1)
This Winamp skin was made by Vickie Mapes (info-is@in-file).
I have no affiliation with anyone involved with
the movie The Blair Witch Project. I just liked
the movie and thought I'd make a skin for it.
I'll be t ...
Thank you for downloading
Well, I thought Edo would end up
being my last culture themed skin
before winamp 3; But as fate would
have it, it wasn't- as winamp 3 is
now still being straigtene ...
___ NEMISH ___
by Stephen Moss
version 2.0a: March 31, 2001
original release: December 13, 1999
NEMISH is a futuristic, high-tech, yet somehow retro design. Not based on anything in particular, it is rather just ...