...::: Windows Style for Nullsoft Winamp :::...
About Skin:
Windows. Simple, clear and easy to use! Exactly as my Skin
with the new Windows ME Colors, nice Buttons and other
cool Stuff.
About myself:
OK, I know you're not interested in my person but I thing a
few words won't be too much. I'm 16 Years old and my Hobbies
are PC of course, Progressive Skating, Art and Music. (Rap /
Hip Hop)
- Main Window
- Playlist Editor
- Equalizer
- Minibrowser
Skins inspired by:
- Winamp 2000 by Angel García Rodríguez (info-is@in-file)
- WINamp98 plus by Ahmed Arebi (info-is@in-file)
- Baseskin by Nullsoft (http://www.winamp.com/nsdn/)
- my own old Skin
Thanks to all of you for your nice Skins!
Thanks to:
Jasc for their nice shareware and of course you for using my
Skin. It was a hard work but a lot of fun making it to!
Sorry for bad english but I'm German!
If you want contact me .... .... info-is@in-file
By John Kreitlow
In Association with RADIUM-V Interactive
Version 1
OK, so I know people have done skins for iTunes, but the Quicktime 7 window looks appealing to me for some reason. This would be either the third or fourth skin I've relea ...
This skin is done. I know it's not aesthetically perfect, but I hope it brings back happy memories. i know it did for me!
-info-is@in-file ...
Pioneer DEH-MP3 Version 2.22b Update Read me
Skin created by WILDCORE
------- ...
font=OCR A Extended
"Saturn in the Wintertime" (v1.8) by StillWater
The rest of my skins are here:
http://www.1001winampskins.com/member_profile.html?author_id= ...
Calvin and Hobbes skin by StillWater
As with most skins, this looks better with "skinned font" and "skinned cursors" turned ON in the winamp options. And if you use windowblinds, make sure you put winamp.exe in the Windowblinds exclusion list.
Inclu ...
This isn't the most beautiful skin around but it's functional. I've made it minimilist so as not to obscure the artwork generated for the XBOX demo (as featured in the skin). I hope some folks use it because I'll probably get my ass kicked if it's ever se ...