This Skin was made by Sergej M.
Thanks for downloading this Skin!
This Skin looks simple, but it was very hard to edit it.
I always made Skins with Pictures as backdround, but it was very boring, that's why I desided to make a Skin with a simple ...
[ T U R B O N I U M ][ v1.0 ][ 27 March 2000 ]
created by: Zombie
timeframe: 27 March 2000, 01:28am
song: VAST - Touched
made in: cape town, south africa
version: 1.0
======= ...
Title: Sheikah Night
Games: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time,
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Author: kayak
Email: info-is@in-file
UPDATED: Skinned the extra parts for Winamp 2.9
I really like the character Sheik and I was very pleased to see ...
***** Target Amp*****
Thanks For Downloading my Skin Target Amp ..
This is only My Third Skin to Winamp and Therefore May not look
That Good..
Well i have done my Best...
R - E - F - L - E - C - T - I - O - N
This skin was made:
- on PhotoShop 5.5
- under WinAmp 2.74
If you haven't
get it from
skin files
C --- O --- M --- M --- E --- N ...
This skin is done. I know it's not aesthetically perfect, but I hope it brings back happy memories. i know it did for me!
-info-is@in-file ...
Eclipse v4.0 A (Amber)- Winamp skin
----------==The Concept==-
The basis of Eclipse is simply the contrast of a bright coloured display on a dark coloured body. Eclipse is probably my most popular Winamp skin to date so I thought I might as well try ...