Readme Amp X-Treme v1.2
Hi and welcome to the readme file of this skin.
This skin is created for the latest version of WInamp, meaning that it has an Equalizer, Playlist and
Minibrowser. So all windows are skinned. I've created this skin in 1024*768 in 32 bit True color mode,
so I don't know if it look allright on other screen modes.
If you notify any bugs, or if you just want to drop me a line, please mail me at info-is@in-file.
You can also visit my site for more skins from me:
Well, that's it! Enjoy my skin!!!
Changes skin to v. 1.1: Changed some things about the playlist (It was messed when you enlarged it).
Changes skin to v. 1.2: Changed the Eq close and min. buttons, now they work great!
version 1.51
Imagine your brain as a canister filled with ink,
Yeah, now think of your body as the pen where the ink resides
Fuse the two; KAPOW! What are you now?
You're the human magic marker, won't you please surprise my eyes? ...
"Karma Slave"
by Heyoka
Completed: 05/28/01
Subject: Sha Gojyo from the manga/anime Saiyuki by Kazuya Minekura
Description: I called the working file "wetslutgojyo". I think that says it all. :D
Tools: Paint Shop Pro 6 w/Super Blade Pro
Th ...
Made by Surfo.
Bueno este es mi primer skin el cual dedico a todo el
team en el que me encuentro y en especial a mi brother
infected el cual a sido un gran apoyo y asesor para la
creacion de este y otros trabajos :D .
Copyright. Surfo.inc
FX- ...
This Skin was done by Richard Spindler
The name of the skin: Christina Ricci by oracle2025
Release version of the skin: 1.1
A short description of the skin: This skin ...
Author: Jeca Samoylenko
This is my third skin for Winamp 2.
I made it using Ulead PhotoImpact 7.0 & Microangelo 5.0 (to make cursors)
If you have found some bugs tell me!!!
This is a character from a manga series by Yuri Narushima. I believe the series
he is from is called "The Young Magician". I have never actually read any of the
manga (Though I rould really like to get my hands on it!) but I had a
few pict ...
Skin Name: Plain Chick
Author: ADBD
Version: 1
Why I made this skin?
*** I made this skin in three long afternoons when my girlfriend was out of town and so we couldn't ... talk. (What else do you do with your GF when you live in India and you're ...
Down Poison
Chobits - Chii
by Kyrddis
26 January 2003
It's Chi from clamps Chobits. She is so beautiful and always looks so innocent. I need four days for the skin... that was hard work, but now everything fits in and I'm more or less satisfied. Onl ...