Author: Geci
Version 2.3
date: 07.10.2001
This is my second skin!
This skin includes: main window,playlist,
equalizer, minibrowser and AVS window.
software I used:
- PhotoShop 5.5
- EZButtons
Please don't use my skin to make Your own!
Thanks for downloading my skin.
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
Skin Name: Plain Chick
Author: ADBD
Version: 1
Why I made this skin?
*** I made this skin in three long afternoons when my girlfriend was out of town and so we couldn't ... talk. (What else do you do with your GF when you live in India and you're ...
*** ]V!tal!z0r[ AMP ***
>>by: c-5pecter (Christian Schönrank)
hi, folks!
this is my latest skin for Winamp 2.xx. this time i tried to catch up the "summer fee ...
I, LuigiHann, am not officially affiliated with them, so if they get mad, I might have to do some kind of recall or something, but I doubt that will be too much of a problem. Strong ...
this skin is based around RabCza and NAD 0.93. By Rab and Tobias. you can reach them
at info-is@in-file and info-is@in-file
For Notes on the region-ing and transparancies See Region.txt Also says how to make the
close, WS and min. buttons not fl ...
created by Devil
Name : Asami Onohara
Age : 17 (Married!)
Education : High School 2nd year
Asami is a character from a manga in a japan magazine,
it' ...
Root Data v2.0
Skin made by:
Larry Tennison
Site designed and created by:
----(UPDATE=> new to the version 2.0 => chromed out the metal to get rid of the "rusted look", added a volume slidder button, changed the loo ...