-----------------------10:52 AM 6/1/2006----------------------
Finally it's finished I've been workin on this skin over a couple of days,Its a remix of a very old skin Called Dark Flare which was released way back in 1999,after seeing this skin I thought it could use a few touch ups & improvements and so: "here we are.............Tadaaaaaaaaa" ( hope you like it)
4:50 PM 6/24/2006
I reworked the main window,I've given it a little more style, the playlist colours are updated along with a few other things.
This skin was made use the follwing tools:
Micrografx Picture Publiser 8
& The Vis Toolkit
--[ TopazAmp v1.3 ]--
about this skin
(for v2.x of Winamp)
This is my first attempt at a Winamp skin, based on the design of my web site.
-- some bugs from v1.0 fixed
-- thanks to Wolf [http://surf.to/guf, info ...
Eclipsed - 2002 Dimichan
Coverart from Emperor's "In the Nightside Eclipse" edited and incorporated into the background.
Created with Photoshop 7, cursors created in microangelo
Time to create - approximately 35-40 ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
this Skin is for winamp 2.x
(c)2003 to Jason Vine.
Version: 0.1
Skin Name: SEXY LADY
Release Date 14th/Sept/2003
Copyright Notice
------------- ...
K-Aus 037 Amp v1 (4/9/04)
Created by Kyllian
Work in progress so stfu
First attempt at making a skin, took a lot of work to create as well(year+ of work, most within the past 2-3 months)
If you think this is pretty good work, remember this, abou ...
created by dark ninja aka Jacob
website : http://www.dar-kuma.tk
e-mail : info-is@in-file
date started : 05 August 2005, 23:01:03
date finished : 13 August 2005, 22 ...
Lufia. The Legend, The Legacy, The Skin.
This skin took me months to create since I didn't concentrate on it entirely. I knew someone had to make a Lufia Skin so I could listen to my Lufia songs. And when I found this pic it just said 'SKIN ME' all ove ...