Skin Name: Ode to Mercury
Release Version: v1.5
Description: This is a Winamp skin dedicated to that pretty soldier,
Sailor Mercury. It comes with fully skinned EQ, Playlist,
Playlist buttons, Minibrowser /w buttons, text, and buttons
that "light up" upon pressing them. All Windowshaded components
are also skinned. I would like to thank Crystal Knights
Sailor Mercury Page for providing the pictures.
(Find him at: http://fs.simplenet.com/cknight/)
Catagory: Anime
Author Name: Justin Pearce
Email: info-is@in-file
Home Page: http://www.crosswinds.net/~fox7
"ARDAN Hi-Tech FM" skin for Winamp
Released March 30th 2001
*Bandung - Indonesia*
Thank's for using and download my skin,
feel free to distribute these skin on your website,
or to sent them to your friends !
ARDAN 105.8 Hi-Tech FM is most popul ...
***ODD AMP 1.5***
To gear up for the imminent release of Munch's Oddysee, I decided to work on a new version of my Odd Amp skin for Win Amp. The new version is absolutely packed with detail and is taking a long time to finish, so ...