Newcastle Winamp skin
created by
Bhaskaran Revi
Hey there! Thank You for downloading this skin that I have so painstakingly
created.This is my second skin after 98 Degrees Amp which got a 4 star rating.
Not too bad for a first attempt! It took me more than 4 months to complete
this skin coz I wanted it to be absolutely perfect and also because of the many
problems I encountered on making this skin.
Each and every component on this skin was painstakingly created manually with
the aid of only a photo editor tool.The 3-D interface was the toughest it
took me weeks to perfect it without any 3-D software.To add to my problems
the very version of this skin was completely wiped out together with
everything else on my hard drive when it was hit by the Chernobyl virus a few
months back.Which meant I had to start my skin all over again from scratch.
This time around I've also added two really awesome avs called 'Radiation Vibe' after
the Fountains of Wayne song which was playing at the time I created it, and
'Wishes Against A Portrait'.
To use it u have to have Winamp Avs Plugin installed (automatically available for
the later versions of Winamp).Next select the 'Radiation Vibe.avs' file and the
'Wishes Against A Portrait.avs' file from the archive an extract to the avs plugin folder (C:Program FilesWinampPluginsavs).
Then right click on the visualisation and select it.
Finally I hope you wouldn't mind e-mailing me with your opinion on this skin.
(E-mail me as well if you're a Newcastle United fan)
Your help will be greatly appreciated as nothing brings me greater joy
than knowing that my skin is being enjoyed.
PS:I'm only 16, and it would really help if you can tell me how to improve on my
yours truly,
Newcastle United Logo was taken from the official N.U.F.C site (
All components were created using Ulead PhotoImpact Ver 3.0.
Koskenkorva skin.
Tehnyt Riku Rikkola.
By Riku Rikkola.
Information: suomi, svenska, english
Koskenkorva on perinteinen suomainen, puhdas viljasta valmistettu viina.
Koskenkorva är det traditionella finska, rena Brännvnet framställt av spennmå ...
t i m e h o s t a g e
we do not control time
it controls us
therefore, we are all hostages of time
What a shitty way to start a ...
tried redusing the amt of blue and increasing the amt of grey and the result ...Metallica(blue).If u see my other skins.. defenitely I think I've developed a lllllllllllllllllllot.
any comments,suggestion...
info-is@in-file ...
|~~~~~°*Gravy Amp v.1.0*°~~~~
| °°* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~*°°
| by --> C_Specter
Thank you for downloading Gravy Amp v.1.0!
I hope you find it quiet nice. This skin was created because of an endless boredom in the summer holida ...
Dr Who Classic
(c) June 2006
A small tribute to Dr Who and the tenth Doctor himself.
Built because I've just spent the last 5 months
building Dr Who modern Skins and thought I'd
do a classic companion skin as well, plus I had ...
The Blair Witch Project Amp (1)
This Winamp skin was made by Vickie Mapes (info-is@in-file).
I have no affiliation with anyone involved with
the movie The Blair Witch Project. I just liked
the movie and thought I'd make a skin for it.
I'll be t ...
*******B L U E S A C R E M 1.2*****************
Creator: The well known Skinmaker, Takezo
E-mail: info-is@in-fi ...