ADIDAS Classic Winamp Skin
Version 2
Author Eiledon
Email info-is@in-file
16/8/99 completed skin including playlist and minibrowser
May 2000 Added AVS skin
ps if you like this check out my other skins:
will take you to the first skin i did with links to all my others.
Welcome to the ReadMe! of the Frozen Project skin for WinAmp
Hi all, thanxz for downloading my skin. As you might know,
this skin is part of the theme I'm making that has the sa ...
TTAmp Winamp skin
This is my first self-made skin featuring the
Audi TT Coupe. Hope you like it !
Now with Playlist and Equalizer skins and
some other minor changes.
for comments contact me at:
e-mail: info-is@in-file
ICQ #17920529
for the o ...
- Hello Kitty v1_0
- I originally made this Hello Kitty skin for my girlfriend. She loved it, so I thought I would share it with the rest of the world.
Authored by:
- Christopher Marsh
- info-is@in-file
- ...
~~~~~~~~~~ GROOVY AMP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This is a metallic contoured amp that has
a maroon and red LCD display...
Watch out for the green LDC display...
Again MS PAINT was used extensively in creating
this amp... ...