-=- PARANOIA -=-
Mike McKimm ( Pe@ceMaker )
Version -=- 2.0
Completed -=- November 2001
About -=-
This is the second release of 'Paranoia'. Its aesthetic look have changed for the better I hope.
I have had a few comments around various skin sites, asking for certain changes to be made for this release.
You may have noticed it is easier to read the buttons, some have been enlarged, de-beveled a bit, and darkened to show clearer text.
The button movements are mostly the same as version 1.0, but I have extended the Vol/Bal button for later practice, once I think of a half decent design.
There will possibly be updates if required, such as that Vol/Bal button design.. etc.
You may have noticed a small amount of pixel mismatch errors in the Winshade/EqWS 'Close' button area (once pressed), this is made to be like this ( I couldn't avoid it ), so no complaints hey.
I've added a MikroAmp Skin to this release too.. no big deal though if you don't run the plug-in.
So that is my final word until next time, most probably when WA3 is upon us, or until I release another update of this skin.
Note -=-
This skin is best viewed at a screen resolution 800 x 600 or above, with 16bit or greater colour settings.
Also a dark background, preferably black should be considered to show the best effect of this skin.
Thanks -=-
Well this skin wouldn't even been made if it wasn't for Fyre's 'Cadence : Marinus' skin.
He deserves a fair bt of gratitude towards the outcome of my skin.
Cheers Fyre.
Contact Details -=-
Email -= info-is@in-file =-
Icq -= 103524695 =-
Website -= http://home.iprimus.com.au/mmckimm
-=- Any comments welcome via email. -=-
-=- PARANOIA -=- copyright (c) 2001
** DO NOT copy, edit or use any parts ( including the text files ) of this skin without authorisation by its owner **
[ No Title ] : Winamp Skin (french style: Sans Titre)
Author: Imdillus
v 1.0 : variation from my web site.
v 1.1 : added AVS and updated some EQ buttons.
v 1.2 : added MiniBrowser.
v 1.3 : modified titles look.
234,200,64 // 1 jaune
234,195,60 // 2 ...
Jenny McCarthy - Hard Lines & Smooth curves.
(c) 2001 Neil Harvey
March 2003 Upgraded to WA2.9 Specification.
Ahhhhh what's he doing cry the Jeri Ryan fans?
Has he crossed over to ...
[ A F T E R S H O C K ]
[ F L Y E R - 2 0 0 0 ]
······· Ver 1.0 ·······
Created by FlyEr (A.K.A. WarpFlyght). All rights are reserved. No one
besides winamp.com a ...
- VSC Player v1.3 - 4/22/2000
(Roland / Virtual SoundCanvas v3.2)
My first skin. Little bug fixed.
Hope you like it Enjoy!! :)
SelectedBG=#8FC7CF ...
Blood Thirsty
Blood Thirsty is one of the skin's that I know you just could not pass up (thats why you downloaded it right?)! So u like or not like? Don't miss ...
***** WP-x 278 integrated circuit *****
Final Version
By Carlos Leonardo C. Alves March 19, 2002
Barra Mansa - RJ, Brasil
e-mail ...