RED-AMP v1.0 by Barta
Part of the COLOR-AMP collection : WinAmp in 10 flavours.
Playlist's font is Orbit-B BT.
First release, it includes:
-EQ, PL, MB and AVS
-Skinned Cursors
If you have any comment or bug report, please mail me to:
Thank you for using this skin.
Barta's WinAmp skins: http://digilander.iol.it/fanq/barta.htm
The COLOR-AMP collection:
01-ORANGE-AMP v1.7
02-YELLOW-AMP v1.2
03-WHITE-AMP v1.3
04-BLUE-AMP v1.3
05-AZURE-AMP v1.2
06-BROWN-AMP v1.2
07-GREEN-AMP v1.1
08-PINK-AMP v1.0
09-GREY-AMP v1.0
10-RED-AMP v1.0
Other skins:
10-svedberg v1.3
11-Creative CD v1.2
12-Streambox Ripper v1.0
AVALON (Insomnia 36h remix)
Version 1.0
(c) 2003 Lawrence Villanueva (boostr29)
- My official entry to www.1001winampskins.comskin remix contest
- This is a Remake of Zarko's Insomnia 36h WA2 skin
- Visit his site for more cool skins @ www.zrco.n ...
Jaluran Theme Project
Winamp Classics Skin theme started : May2006
This is part of my Jaluran skin Theme. This theme includes.
1. WindowBlinds 4 skins.(Button animation/Tool bars icons and load of stuffs)
2. Cursors for Cursor XP.(Smooth Animate ...
This is my third skin.
It's based on the second that it's so much simple,
the difference is that now I use some transparent spaces.
Wanna tell me something?
Hope u like it... and enjoy it ...
---- * SNOWED IN * ----
Zup my winampians, this is my second
skin called "snowed in". Yeh pretty
happy with it, yeh sweet l8tr.
---- ************* ----
3 - ?????????????? ...
*** Act2 Finale
*** Created By Raj.I/O in 2000
So WinAmp 3 is on it's way but 2 is still kicking around. Some of you pleaded with me to make another 2.x skin in the mean time, so here is isl My Act 2 finale. This one is probably my last WA2 skin I ...