Skin Name : Kaori-Amp
Version : 2.0
Winamp 2.0x Support : Yes
Created By : Is sara "san"
All of my skins and any others I can find are always available at:
send your comments at My email :
ΆΝΊ¤Ψ³·Υθ download skin ¤ΡΊ
Well I hope you enjoy my long hours of work ^_^
This Kurama Winamp skin took me about half a day to complete, in hours! I skinned everything I could, and most of the buttons show, so that's something that seperates it from the rest of my skins. My first two tries, I only did a few buttons before I foun ...
I have only seen one episode of Generator Gawl, and while the
series didn't really impress me, I thought that Gawl looked kinda cute.
(and hey he has Hayashi Nobutoshi as a voice :)
info-is@in-file ...
By Stephan Hoekstra AKA Ampburner
This is Xqwizit. Why do you call it xqwizit
you might ask...well...because it is. :D ;)
It has all components skinned: main, pledit,
eq, avs, and even the MikroAmp plugin YaY ...
Shogun skin for Winamp 2.x
by John Theodorski
April 2001
Skin crafted for Nullsoft 'Official Ninja Month.'
I have used this as an opportunity to expand my collection of skins reflecting ancient civilizations and architecture, so in the ...