PalmV WinAmp Skin Version 1.0
******* Palm V Amp *******
Author : The Spider
e-mail : info-is@in-file
This skin looks like the Palm V Connected Organizer.
To get the full effect stick the equalizer and the Play List Editor under the Main Player and the MiniBrowser on the right side of the player. I have also included a new homepage for you MiniBrowser I would make a copy of the original file or rename it first. To install the new one you will need to copy (winampmb.htm and spider.jpg) into your winamp directory.
Step 1: Make a New Folder in your WinAmp Skins Directory Called PalmV.
Step 2: Extract all the files in the into the directory you made in step 1.
Step 3: Open WinAmp Click in the top left Corner go to Skins Choose PalmV.
Step 4: Enjoy!!!
It is like having a Palm or you PC.
-The Spider
"Karma Slave"
by Heyoka
Completed: 05/28/01
Subject: Sha Gojyo from the manga/anime Saiyuki by Kazuya Minekura
Description: I called the working file "wetslutgojyo". I think that says it all. :D
Tools: Paint Shop Pro 6 w/Super Blade Pro
Th ...
~~~~~~~~~~ GROOVY AMP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This is a metallic contoured amp that has
a maroon and red LCD display...
Watch out for the green LDC display...
Again MS PAINT was used extensively in creating
this amp... ...
BamaAmp v1.6
Designed By:
Pete Holiday
Version Info:
v1.60: Min ...
Por Veronica Mogni
Julio 2002 - Buenos Aires - Argentina
Comentarios? info-is@in-file
Hay 3 AVSs dentro del paquete:
1) CiclonAmp.wsz --->
2) Extraer *.avs ---> ...WinampPluginsavs ...
Released on November 19th 00
#Bandung Indonesia#
This skin is freeware, i hope u like and enjoy.. !
I'am very like the Super Car, how about you?
Skinmaster : iswahyudi"idhuy"hanafiah
e-mail : info-is@in-file ...
Welcome to Readme of Volatile Amp v6.0
Created by Dean Gibson
E-Mail: info-is@in-file
this skin was inspired and created around the theme of
Volatile Visions, run by Zoli Borbasi.
E-Mail: info-is@in-file
Watch out for some new skins that are co ...