-= Messenger 6 Amp =-
v 1.2
Autor: Anel Sánchez V.
e-mail: info-is@in-file
Terminado el: 5 de noviembre de 2003
- Para este skin solo utilice herramientas de viscolor.txt y pledit. ...
Para WinAmp 2x
por:Hector David Barajas Marin
hecho desde 14 abril al 17abril
desde enero de 2000 empese a conocer esto de los skins y como todo el mundo solo
me conformaba a esperar a que saliera un skin del ...
==================== Project ibun =====================
This skin was created in June 2002 by Thomas Hooper
If you're planning on taking credit for this skin or
publishing it without mentioning me, DONT! because i ...
Title : Vizor , as visual impact , evil lightning , shine and reflection.
Completed : on 23/2/2002.
Skinned : Everything except the minibrowser , its useless anyway :P.
Style : Energetic metal , bronze and silver .
Skin for : Winamp 2.7x
.. ...
Brass Silver Skin version 1.0 ....
This is a luminescent skin. Not much more to say.
My name is Ricardo Santiago Quirarte Gonzalez
on line 12 hours the day
east skin have one efect in the visual is excelent.
look mic ...