by Alberto F. Zúñiga
This one is in the vibe
of El Otro and Afz-Pops.
I used Paint Shop Pro 7
and a little of Photoshop 6,
AXCursors for the ...
Mavro II. Dark, yet not gloomy. Sliders that actually tell you something, some subtle transparent areas, plenty of dots and ready for Easter. I updated and polished the graphics for a better (more glas-like) feel and fixed a few small errors.
Mavro, Gr ...
**[Aselyum by -| FrezoreR |-]**
Skinned: All
Parts to come: none..
To find more skins made by me check out:
To find the latest update on this skin visit site named above.
My first skin I seriously airbrushed, ...
Winamp Ithaki skin, version 5.
All components and shades skinned, all graphics improved and enhanced. Errors were corrected and more stuff was added. Transparency, animations, cursors, numerical sliders, eggs, MikroAmp skin, Ithaki5 even comes with a m ...