How to use this skin:
If you have a Winamp 2.04 or more:
put this zipfile into the /skins folder
under the /winamp one, then press ALT+S
with WinAmp Running and choose the skin from the list
that will pop up.
If you have a previous version:
Unzip all the zipfile into a folder under /skins one.
i.e.: /winamp/skins/Edu22amp
Every skin needs to be unzipped in a different folder.
Como usar este skin:
Se você possui a versão do Winamp 2.04 ou mais recente:
Coloque este arquivo zipado na pasta /skins que está dentro
da pasta /winamp, então tecle ALT+S com o Winamp funcionando
e selecione o skin da lista que irá aparecer.
Se você possui uma versão anterior:
Descompacte todos os arquivoe em uma pasta que esteja dentro da pasta
ex: /winamp/skins/EDU22AMP
Cada skin deve ser descompactado dentro de uma pasta diferente.
Eduardo Pereira
Joinville-SC Brazil
:: PAD v3 ::
made for breed release #20
This is a remake of my first serious skinning attempt. Old school skinning, 45 and 90 degree angles, no airbrushing :D Hope you enjoy it. Visit my website i ...
Ice Climber winamp skin. by LuigiHann, images copywright Nintendo.
Thanks to Shyguy Kingdom for the sheet of sprites.
This skin is in honor of the Classic NES series for Game Boy Advance, even though Ice Climber isn't a v ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
----===QUAKE 3 ARENA SKIN====----
version 1.0
Esta é minha primeira skin
portanto se existir alguns BUGS
serão solucionados em uma nova versão.
Made in Brazil
DMX AMP - skinned by brothaman2000
My 1st skin of DMX, this is for all the DMX fans ARF!ARF!ARF!
Name: X Amp
Release Version: v1.0 (1st release in GREENtrancetheme)
File format: BMP