Hi, all!
This is my fourth skin, but it's only
the second one i publish in 1001winampskins.com.
It's the second time i made a skin
all by hand.....now i'm working on a new skin
because i'm learning a lot of things about graphics!
Enjoy this skin!
Please don't modify it and don't say you made it!
Version history:
Wood-amp v.1.0:
All windows skinned except avs.
Check soon for updates,i'm working on
cursors and avs window!
KB-rosso (Kick 'N' Bass Red) .. by marS
Thank you for downloading KB-rosso :D
for eny comment: info-is@in-file
...marS ...
Raydream tsunami
Kym Uriko - info-is@in-file
Teo Katsuragi - info-is@in-file
not much to say about this skin, except, enjoy
if you want to suggest anything, just email ...
The end.....?
(c) 2001 Neil Harvey
A dark gloomy skin, originaly this was to be
my WA2.x skinning swansong, but have left
that choice open now.
Created for the love of Mike.
Pl ...
utopia yearning
anhelus skin c. 2001
I found your picture between the covers of a book,
and though it was pretty worn, I just had to make a skin from it.
I know this is like sending a radio signal out into space,
but hey, stranger things have happe ...
"Twin Valves" Skin for Winamp
Version 1.0
It is "fully winamp skin", with main, ...
¤----------=[ Zaxon 5.5 ]=-----------¤
Skin made by Daniel Jansson
No ripping or other mean stuff
URL: http://www.velocity.u4l.com
E-Mail: info-is@i ...
McNailz V1.2
v1.0: A skin for Winamp 2.x and above. A Quake based skin I designed for a mates clan just for something to do...still needs a lot of work so i may update it as time permits.
v1.1: completed skinning playlist
v1.2: skinned minibrowse ...