Sleek Skin for winamp
for Winamp
Created By : Thiru
Contact : info-is@in-file
This is my third skin that I officially published(the other two are Raw amp,Illusion)I think I've come far from those skins with this one.I've skinned most of the windo ...
___| Readme Artec v1 for Winamp Classic
I havn't typed one of these readme files in quite some time.
But it had to come to it sooner or later.
Finally made another skin in quite some time.
About the skin:
This is an older skin ...
Hialloz, in case you didn´t notice, the "things"
that work as the equalizer´s buttons are tiny steaming versions of those
big deformed kettles that are so often seen in Ranma 1/2. If you press on
them, wh ...
read me text
Hi-Fi Integration a winamp 2.9/2.x skin
by amp-phibian (Anthony Pettie)
well my creation has been reborn for winamp2.9
best when viewing winamp in a tower position locked to one side of your monitor or the other
and draggi ...