margleAMP by Demoniac
0) The author:
Email: info-is@in-file
1) Required:
A computer
2) Recommended:
Good music
Lots of money
A fast car
3) Installation:
Just copy all the files to .../Skins/margle.
4) Un-installation:
You won't do this anyway, but just DELETE .../Skins/margle and
everything in it.
5) Re-installation:
See Installation for more information.
6) Known bugs:
This skin (not the player, just the skin) will hang your computer
AND erase all the files and directories on your system if you play
a song that sucks.
7) Why "margleAMP"?:
There's no real reason for that name. If you come up with a good
reason, feel free to mail it to me.
(c) 2003 Sexrex.
Final build 09 July 2003.
Welcome to GAGA, my interpretation of one of the great WA2 skins of the last few years "DADA" by Xerxes.
Fully compatible with Winamp 2.95 and lower.
I've always loved th ...
MEATLOVE Edition Susanna
2003 by chrismale -
Damn. So I told myself, that zwurbelwurbel is simply PART of the whole skinning-thing;
now there are animated cursors, and I hope you appreciate that as well.
Ellyamp :
Version 3.03
Skin completed at 3:14 am , 23rd of Apr 2003 on Jasc PaintShop Pro 7.04. Unfortunatly, animated cursors where not added since Animation Shop 3 kept screwing my transparent cursors all the time >_ ...
Orace Signature Amp
This is yet another blue-themed skin. May be my last classic for a while as I've been dabbling with some free-formed skins. As usual AVS and MikroAmp have been skinned. Send any comments or suggestions to info-is@in-file
Agai ...
Informacion Adicional en el archivo:
Este documento especifica algunas cosas mas:
Una creacion de Guanacolandia por
Phwoor, eh lads?
My first (and probably last, I'm a lazy bugger) winamp skin. It kind of started as a personal use thing but it turned out okay, so Ifigured I may as well see if I can get it posted. If you're reading this, it must have, so... yeah. Any ...